Friday, April 28, 2017

Blog Post 6

Possible issues that could occur when trying to teach the conquests of the New World from a school textbook versus the diario of Christopher Columbus or the accounts from the aztecs and cortes' journal, each show very different sides as to what happened. There is no real way to determine which account is most accurate, which leaves it to the reader to infer. The diary of Columbus and and Cortes show that the explorers just explored and did not harm any of the indigenous people; however, the accounts from the natives tell a very violent tale in which they welcomed the Europeans with open arms and gifts, but were returned with the slaughtering of their people. The best bet might be to take bits from each account in determining the truth of what happened between the natives and the settlers, since they could all have been biased.

Blog Post 4

For my final paper, I have chosen the theme of ancient Greek literature. I will be looking at how the role of women changed through some of these stories. Some of the stories that I will use will be The Iliad, and The Odyssey. I will also reference Sappho as a comparison to an actual societal examples that could have possibly been influenced from these roles. My thesis will focus on why these specific women were chosen, what messages it sent to the reader, and how it might have influenced future themes of defiance in society.